Tag Archives: advertising age

World Cup top sports marketing event of the year

Photo by Flickr user iMorpheus

With the 2010 World Cup creeping closer and closer, major brands have already launched campaigns to associate their image with what is being called the top sports event by some companies. The other day, AdAge posted an article about what marketers are doing on a global scale around the World Cup.

One of the most interesting aspects of the article is the different approaches corporate marketers are taking to what is clearly a global event. Coke has developed a completely integrated campaign across all countries, whereas McDonald’s is doing what is likely to be hundreds of local marketing activities, not necessarily tied to one global campaign.

It’s an interesting debate, especially when looking at the situation in parallel with marketing to the multicultural audiences of the U.S., and the various approaches towards balancing a cohesive image with relevant, customized approaches.

Which approach do you think will work better?